The Ergobust trunk support for chairs helps keep the torso upright while seated, preventing the risk of lateral tilting. Features adjustable width supports and a universal attachment system, compatible with all chair types except those with lateral reinforcements.
Some individuals, especially the elderly, may have a lack of muscle tone in the upper body that can lead to lateral tilting of the torso while sitting. This tilting can cause back pain and increase falls risk, leading to osteopathic or physiotherapy sessions, or even hospitalization in severe cases. It is therefore important to adapt the chair to maintain an upright posture and prevent the lateral tilting.
This set of lateral trunk supports attaches directly to the backrest of your chair. With a thoracic support, the person is held securely in the seat and feels safer, reducing the risk of falling. Ergobust is adaptable to almost all chairs, except those equipped with lateral reinforcements. The lateral trunk supports are adjustable both vertically and horizontally to fully adapt to your chair and body shape.
For optimal use, we recommend giving the backrest a slight backward incline.
Data sheet
This product was conceived by our staff according to individuals and health professionals needs. It is entirely manufactured in-house, using European materials to ensure a high quality, performance and durability.
Our watchwords : human, adaptability, innovation and efficiency. All of our products are made to evolve according to our clients feedbacks : some products have already been modified 5 or 10 times ! We will gladly listen to your experience and take them into consideration to improve our solutions.