Dimensions-2054 - Large - 34 x 65 cm
Manufacturer & Designer
All our products are entirely designed and conceived in our own workshop using European materials. Our industrial production tools and the variety of materials we work with allow us to create products for diverse needs and constraints, such as posture adjustment, movement support, shock and vibration absorption, pressure relief.
Our experience as a manufacturer also provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the materials we use and their properties. This expertise enables us to select the right materials to ensure efficiency, comfort, and durability in every situation.
Expert and Analyst
Daily interactions with customers and health professionals and the variety of cases we have encountered and resolved over our 11 years of existence have given us a sharp understanding of the human body.
This knowledge and understanding are essential for analyzing situations holistically, forming the foundation of our work. We do not simply respond to a condition, we address all the parameters involved in the onset and progression of pain, which together create the specific needs of an individual.
Our experience allows us, in most cases, to quickly identify the solution. For more complex cases, we have developed our own analysis method to precisely identify the issue and the various parameters involved: the Constraint Value Chain Method.
Identifying Constraints
Environment, conditions, behaviors, and habits of the individual.
Constraints Chain
Define the sequence of constraints.
Constraints Value Chain
Identify decisive constraints contributing to the onset of pain.
Analysis of Consequences and Possible Solutions
Posture, movement, pressure relieve, shock and vibration absorption.
Selecting a Solution
Aligned with our production capabilities.
Design and Manufacturing
Designing an effective and long-lasting product.
The analysis of the situation represents the starting point of our work. It allows us to understand the various challenges related to a request in order to propose an effective and tailored solution. To establish the most accurate analysis possible, we have created the "Constraint Value Chain" method. Developed by our team, it allows us to precisely identify which constraints to treat on and how to treat it.
After identifying all the constraints related to a situation, we map out the order in which the constraints chain together and trigger each other. Following this, we assign a coefficient to each constraint, allowing us to identify which constraints to address in order to act directly on the root cause of the pain.
For each selected constraint, we identify its consequences on the body, taking into account their potential evolution. Based on this, we determine the technical characteristics of the product that will address these constraints.
The choice of materials is a crucial step to ensure the product’s effectiveness, as well as its comfort and durability.
To do so, we work with and combine:
We also regularly source new materials to expand our range, improve material quality, or design custom solutions.
Whether it’s a product from our catalog, a product with custom adaptations, or a fully individualized solution, all our products are entirely manufactured in our workshop in France, without subcontractors or intermediaries. This internalized manufacturing process allows us to oversee every step of production to make any necessary adjustments.
For you, it is also a guarantee of product quality and respect for human working conditions.
When a creation meets the needs of multiple individuals, we optimize its manufacturing process and add it to our standardized catalog. Even when standardized we maintain full control over production to make custom adjustments when necessary, ensuring that each solution remains adaptable to individual needs.
The products are then continuously revised and improved based on customer feedback and our discoveries.