The Ergoskoaz is a pair of shoulder pads designed for handheld machinery used by gardeners and landscapers. It absorbs pressure and vibrations, reducing strain on the shoulders.
Many landscapers’ tasks require to use vibrating tools (blowers, hedge trimmers, sprayers, etc.). These tools generate vibrations that affect the body, and the harness of the equipment can shear the skin. These constraints can lead to pain and increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among gardeners and landscapers.
To protect the body from shearing and pressure caused by these equipment, we have developed the Ergoskoaz shoulder pad protection.
The shoulder pad attaches directly to the harness of the garden tool to reduce shoulder pain. The non-slip fabric ensures that the Ergoskoaz stays securely on your shoulders.
Data sheet
This product was conceived by our staff according to individuals and health professionals needs. It is entirely manufactured in-house, using European materials to ensure a high quality, performance and durability.
Our watchwords : human, adaptability, innovation and efficiency. All of our products are made to evolve according to our clients feedbacks : some products have already been modified 5 or 10 times ! We will gladly listen to your experience and take them into consideration to improve our solutions.